Relationship Between Parents’ Education Level and Parental Engagement in The Pandemic Period of Covid-19

Dessy Rif’a Anzani, Ilham A.E. Zaeni, Fathul Lubabin Nuqul, Mualifah Mualifah


Abstract: One solution to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus is Physical Distancing. In the world of education, physical distancing is implemented by holding teaching and learning activities in their homes. In these conditions, parental engagement is needed so that the education program that has been packaged by the school can run smoothly. One of the factors influencing parental involvement is the education factor of parents. In this study, researchers used descriptive statistical methods and correlations to examine the relationship between parental education and parental engagement. The independent variables in this study are parental education, and the dependent variable is parental engagement. Based on descriptive analysis, the highest frequency in parental education variables is in the moderate category at 63%, and the high or low category with a percentage of 19%. While in parental engagement, the highest frequency is in the medium category, namely 75% and high or low categories, with a percentage of 12.5%. The correlation test between parental education variables (X) and parental engagement (Y) was performed using the Pearson Product Moment technique. The value of calculated r (0.552) is greater than the r table (0.4973), so it can be said that there is a correlation between parental education variables (X) and parental engagement (Y).


Keywords: parental engagement, parent education, Covid-19.

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