Prosiding Seminar & Conference Nasional Keolahragaan

Prosiding Seminar & Conference Nasional Keolahragaan published by Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Malang. The purpose of this proceeding publication is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the field of sports.

Every submitted manuscript will be read by the editorial team. Manuscripts that are evaluated by editors and deemed not in accordance with criteria of journal will be rejected without external review. Then, a manuscript that has a special interest to readers is sent to peer reviewers, with two (2) different reviewers for each article by using the double blind system. After reviewing the manuscript, it will be returned to the author for revision process. In this proceedingl, we have fifteen (5) reviewers. The editorial team makes decisions based on reviewers’ recommendation. Prosiding Seminar & Conference Nasional Keolahragaan is published every November. The Editorial Board invites the authors to submit the best manuscripts to be published in this proceeding.