Rika Nailuvar Sinaga, Imam Lukmanul Hakim, Erna Wati


Maximum physical activity in general can affect the function of systems in the body, one of which is the hematological system such as electrolyte levels in the blood. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of maximum physical activity on blood electrolyte levels in Unimed hockey athletes. This study is useful to provide information that maximum physical activity can affect electrolyte levels in the blood. The results obtained that the average amount of electrolytes pretest and posttest for sodium levels is 137.00 ± 2.70, for potassium levels the average is 3.72 ± 0.48 and for the average chloride content of 0.104 ± 2.12. The results of the paired t test obtained a significance value of 0.195 (p > 0.05) for potassium levels and 0.77 (p > 0.05) for chloride levels, which means that there is an insignificant difference in the amount of electrolytes before and after doing maximum physical activity, while obtained a significance value of 0.003 (p < 0.05) for sodium levels, which means that there is a significant difference in the amount of sodium before and after performing maximum physical activity in hockey athletes at the State University of Medan.

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