Implementasi Koperasi Digital di Malang: Apakah Benar-Benar Digital?

Niken Puspitasari, Aida Nur Faizah, Muhammad Adryan Okuputra, Bagus Shandy Narmaditya


The Covid-19 pandemic has driven to challenges and opportunities, especially digitalization in various economic aspects including in cooperatives. This study aims to analyze whether the application of digital cooperatives is in accordance with the principles or concepts of digitization. This study uses a descriptive approach to understand the situation. Participants in this study were involved one of the cooperatives in Malang municipalities which has been engaged in production cooperatives with various types of businesses and has used digital in the implementation process. The data in this study used primary and secondary data obtained directly through interviews and literature studies. The results of this study are expected to provide an overview and input on how to implement appropriate digital cooperatives as a step in efforts to empower cooperatives in the digital era.


Keywords: Cooperatives, Digital Cooperatives, Challenges and Opportunities

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